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Flights can be cheaper than train

Hi peeps if you think about it flights have become a lot cheaper than a train service, when asked how much some of our flights costs there like really you got it that cheap, that's cheaper than a weekend away in Manchester. I know it can be less stressful on a train but it takes ages at times and with flying the ticket prices have dropped so much that its worth taking up any deals. The only problem about some of the budget flights are they can be a little ucomfortable, me I just fall asleep until arriving at our destination. I love the rush you get when taking off and even landing before I would be scared as hell. Sometimes I think if I could be in the warm beautiful sun for a bargain then why not. Looking at a train ticket once to do my film casting in Manchester I once phoned Train line to get a price and it £87 return peak hours I thought really that's quiet expensive and then would have to book a Hotel that would have easily cost over £150. I notice its all about competition regulation and cost of infrastructure the transport sector is parmount to achieving the single market in the EU, it determines the free movement of goods. Trains in the UK are ridiculous you don't get good value for your money. If your thinking of getting away from £19.99 then my advice book in advance and grab that deal. Ryanair had a few problems before and that was a great time to jump on some of the deals but I tell you it was total Kaos, passengers were stranded and sleeping in the Airport for hours we thought oh no this could be us. After receiving an email to say that they can only land us in Liverpool and not Stansted was totally annoying that everyone on the flight were in total panic, imaging your in a rush for a wedding/ funeral abroad etc its not nice. Really glad that Ryaniar has sorted out there mess and if you use them do look at what they have to offer youll be surprised. Big up to Paul who ive managed to save £50 for booking a flight to Palma love all my subscibers , we currently reached 106. Thank you all. Love up

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